All Lost in One Night

This story is the property of the writer Kalimaxos.

Any unauthorized reproduction or reprint without the express authorization of the author is strictly prohibited.

Like real life, it's a shitshow.

It's not a cuckold story. There is minimal sex, but there is some.

Before you go any further and your panties get in a knot, this is a story about EXTRAMARITAL SEX MARRIAGES. Warning Bill Robinson... WARNING!

The couple in this story have an OPEN MARRIAGE!

If this topic offends you, RUN... RUN NOW!

And the main character is a woman. OH NO!

Get the logs for the death pyre ready... the natives are restless.


A conversation

"Come on, Mandy," Lyle said, exasperated. "It's been a year, and we were so good together."

It torqued me that he used the name I had asked him never to use again when addressing me. Not since...

"No, Lyle," I replied, staring at him across the bistro table. "You said you had something to talk about. If this was it, I'm walking away."

He looked back disappointed and then sighed in resignation.

"Have you heard from James lately?" he asked.

"I was served with divorce papers three months ago. I haven't heard a word from Jim since," I replied. "Does that count?"

His mouth opened and closed, not knowing how to respond. I just stared at him with both anger and remorse. This as the events of a year before replayed in my mind.

"I'm so sorry, Mandy," he replied.

"It's Amanda to you, Lyle," I hissed back. "Don't you forget it!"

"Please don't make a scene," he replied, smiling at a couple next to us that took notice.

"What if I do?"

"Please, Mandy... sorry, I mean Amanda, I beg of you. Can't we be civil?"

"Civil? You want civil?" I said in a low tone. "How's this for civil? You are lucky Jim didn't break your neck that night. Do you know what that man used to do for a living?"

"Oh, come on, M... Amanda," he struggled with the name I wanted him to call me. "He was in the Navy, right?"

"He was a Navy SEAL, you shmuck!" I replied. "Where do you think he got those scars from?"

"He said an accident. Anyway, he is not muscular like those guys I see on TV."

"That's because he was bedridden at Walter Reed hospital for months after he was wounded in Iraq. His muscles atrophied. He has metal in his legs and on his skull, but he can still snuff you out if he wanted to. And if you ask me, he should have after what you told him."

"OK, I shouldn't have said that," he replied. "You are right."

"You are such a moron," I spat at him. "You destroyed a man who busted his ass working for you. You played with his psyche to manipulate him. And as if that were not enough, you had to fuck his wife in front of him."

"It's not like I had to force you into it," he snickered.

It took all my self-control not to slap him on the spot.

"You're right," I said, surprising him by agreeing. "I am an out-of-control nympho at times. Jim knew and tolerated it because he loved me. He knew he could not keep up, so he opened up our marriage so I can get relief whenever he was not around. On the trips YOU sent him to."

"It was part of his job, Amanda," he finally managed to follow naming instructions. "James was competing with Donaldson for the VP slot. They both worked hard for it."

"While you had the opportunity to hit on Brenda Donaldson and me. I hope she wasn't as easy as I was."

"She does not have an open marriage," he reminded me. Nonetheless..."

"I told you when we started, Lyle," I cut him off. "Jim could never find out you were fucking me."

The couple next table had enough and stood.

"You two need to find another place for your fuck talk," the man said and bumped into Lyle's chair on purpose as he escorted his indignant woman out. Lyle spilled his drink on his pant leg but kept his composure.

"I had to do what I did, Amanda," he said after giving the couple a look of annoyance.

"You WHAT!"

"Look, Greg Donaldson and his wife had me over his place to get me on their side."


"Let me talk, OK?"

I waved him to continue, still giving him the stare of death.

"They invited me over for dinner. Everything was going well. Brenda was friendly but not overly so. Greg was... Greg. You know how he sucks up to people when he wants something. And how pushy he can be.

"The more he pushed on, the more annoying he became. And I became irritated that both he and your husband are qualified, and I only had one slot. When we moved to the living room for an after-dinner drink, she came to sit by him and placed a hand on his knee.

"I'm the guy for the position, Mr. Rolston," he said, annoying me since I had asked him to call me Lyle.

"Really Greg? I said to him. "And just how far are you willing to go for that VP slot? What are you willing to sacrifice?"

"More than Jimmy boy," he said. "Anything."

"James is paying a certain price you have not offered yet," I replied, looking at Brenda then back at him with a smile.

"You didn't!" I said, shaking my head at him. "You told them about us? Damn you, Lyle. I whored myself to you for my husband's promotion, without Jim asking me to or knowing I had. All I asked in return was for you was not to tell anyone."

Lyle nodded, taking a deep breath.

"I implied. There is a difference."

"Fuck you, Lyle. You outed me to my husband's competitor. No wonder Jim told me he found out you and I had been fucking all along. Greg had to have told him."

"No, he didn't, and I will tell you why."

"You're such an asshole Lyle."

"I know," he said and continued. "But Greg didn't know about us two, and I thought the bastard should pay the same price as your husband. So, I looked at Brenda and said, your wife looks beautiful tonight. Doesn't she Greg?"

"Brenda smiled and said thanks or something, but Greg finally got the point. He sat there stunned, looking at me, then his wife before nodding and looking back at me briefly. That was all it took him, Amanda. Seconds, and he was agreeing to my request.

"When I raised an eyebrow at Greg, his wife began to wonder what us men were inferring to. Brenda looked at her husband for a few seconds, and by the way he avoided her stare, she realized what he'd done."

"How did she react?" I asked.

"She looked ashen in shock. It's not every day a woman's husband tosses her on the poker table as a chip for his advancement.

"Greg?" she looked at him imploringly. "Please, Greg... no."

"She could have won an academy award playing the damsel in distress. That money-hungry bitch. But Greg would not look at her in the eye. He instead looked at me to save him from having to tell his wife what was expected of her. How he was willing to give Brenda to me for a promotion.

"You are such a shit!" I replied in disgust.

"Wait now; you haven't heard the whole story."

My curiosity won over my disdain for Lyle, so I let him continue.

"After the initial shock, the lovely and gracious Brenda looked at her drink, then her husband. The look on her face I will remember for years. But I bet Greggy wishes he could forget. Because when they looked at each other, they both knew what was at stake. And they both had ownership of anything they did from that moment on. If they refused, they lost the promotion chance. And not just one of them. Both of them.

"We have worked hard for this promotion Greg," she told him. "If the Blairs are ahead of us, I want to hear from you what is expected of me. I don't want Mr. Rolston to ask me. I want you to tell me."

"Greg took his time but then eventually nodded. Brenda was undeterred.

"Tell me! Tell me what you want me to do, Greg," she pressed him. She wanted him to say it, so there would be no ambiguity later. When he hesitated, she took his face in her hands and looked into his eyes. "If you want me to take this promotion across the finish line, you have to tell me to."

"And what did he do?" I interrupted Lyle on the edge of my seat.

Lyle smiled before he continued the story of the Donaldson's.

"I've done all I can, Brenda," Greg said in resignation, then asked me, "Is there anything more I can do, Lyle?"

"Yes, Greg," I replied. "You have to tell your wife what you want her to do."

"It's interesting how people react to such moments, Amanda," Lyle said, sitting back. "They think they are on top of a situation, and just when they think they know who and what they are, it all flips on them, and they have to make choices.

"Choices that determine their success or failure professionally at the cost of their relationship, marriage or self-respect. I saw that look on both their faces. You never had to face that. For us, it was about me being your fuck buddy, or one of them on the side. Oh yes, you eventually reminded me that you had been paying for James's promotion since before he was in contention. But there was no shock between us. Not until that night. But not like the Donaldson's had to face shock."

"The only thing is that they are still together, and I lost Jim."

"You are right, on that, kind of," he said, looking away then back at me. "What happened to you and Jim was my fault."

"Not just yours. I let my pussy get the best of me that night. Jim and I argued that night about how much he was working and neglecting our marriage. He told me that he had all the weight on his shoulders while all I cared about was getting laid. It was the first time my hubby and I had discussed our open marriage since he agreed to it. It was his idea, I reminded him and brought up the woman he was fucking in your accounting department."

"Did you expect him to sit around waiting for your sloppy seconds, Amanda? He fucked her and some women on the road just to keep his self-respect. James is no cuckold."

"I never asked him to be that. You may not think so, but I had more respect for him than that. It's one thing for a couple to be swingers or have an open marriage. It's another totally to have a one-sided open marriage and to demean him and humiliate him. Anyway, that night he pissed me off, and it's why I let you fuck me. Not to mention I was ovulating and was horny as hell."

"I'm sorry, Amanda," Lyle said with an apologetic look.

I waved my hand dismissively in response and wiped a tear from my face. Deep down, I was as guilty for what had taken place as Lyle was.

"So, what did Benda do?"

"Well, she pressed her husband, making him squirm. Finally, Greg looked at her and threw his hands up in frustration.

"Unless Lyle is asking me to blow him and let him have my ass..." he trailed off, letting her figure it out.

"No, I am not," I told them both. That got their attention.

"Actually, Brenda," I corrected her, "Do you think it's easy for Greg? If you go through with this, you will look down on him from after and blame him. I can see it in your eyes and the way you are looking at him. I asked your husband to be a cuckold so that you can enjoy a better life. If anything, your husband is the only one that has been doing the heavy lifting so far. Not you. And if you do take part in this, he will be a cuckold forever."

"But I work and support him," she protested.

"Right," I replied. "You make a fraction of what Greg earns, and when his promotion is on the line, you try to guilt him and make your husband become a willing cuckold. So loving."

"No, I..." she tried to protest, but I had enough of her shit.

"No, Brenda," I cut her off. "I'm asking you now. How bad do you want the lifestyle that goes with that promotion? It's your call. Your husband will have to watch his wife get fucked by his boss. But you... you princes have to fuck his boss for a promotion. What will it be?"

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed. "You said that to her?"

Lyle nodded with a sardonic smile.

"The prissy bitch deserved it," Lyle said. "It pissed me off that she dumped it all on her husband. Here he had worked his ass off for two years to get to the Superbowl, and she wanted to guilt him knowing she would benefit from his rise in the company."

"Well, don't keep me in suspense, Lyle. What happened?"

"Oh, it was quite the moment, Amanda," he smiled. "The princess wilted as she decided that she wanted all the stuff that goes with Greg's promotion. I knew she would. From the minute she pushed Greg to admit he wanted her to fuck me. If she had any notions of self-respect and wanted to refuse, she would have done it right away. Not play the "tell me to do it" game so she could have cover later.

"By not refusing my proposal outright, she admitted to her husband that she was willing to whore herself for stuff and money. She chose to sell her body for their promotion. But she tried to act like the chaste damsel first. What a load of horse shit. I have more respect for honest prostitutes than women like her."

"Was I any different?" I asked my husband's ex-boss.

"Yes, you were... you still are Amanda."

"I was a slut, Lyle. And still am."

"You're a slut, and I'm an asshole. So what? At least we know who we are and admit it. We are not hypocrites."

"So you tapped Brenda's ass, and that's how Greg became the new VP, right?"

"No, Amanda," he said, shaking his head. "Yes, I banged the whore as he watched like a good cuck that he is jerking off."

"No way!" I said in surprise and amusement.

"Yes, way. It's why he will say nothing. He knows I will expose him to everyone, and he will be humiliated. As for the whore, I went around the world with her. Yup. I went in every whole, and she acted like she loved it. I was not as attentive on her ass as I was with yours, by the way."

"Oh, poor Brenda!" I feigned shock at what I heard as if I cared about the Donaldson bitch.

"You call me slut and her a whore. What's the difference? We both fucked you to get our husband's promoted."

"That's bullshit, Amanda, and you know it. You and I started before there was a VP slot available. For us, it was sex and a friendship. And you ended us when the VP competition started."

"But I came back, Lyle. Didn't I?"

"Mandy... sorry. Amanda," he corrected himself, but I barely noticed as I was busy feeling sorry for myself.

"You said you came back to me so I would give the VP slot to Jim, but I know better. You needed the sex. Oh, you like me, but you don't love me. I'm not stupid. Enjoying a lot of sex and having a lover on the side is slutty. But you're no whore Amanda.

"I so wanted to laugh when you came back and said it was to help Jim get promoted. In all the time before, I don't remember you asking me to give Jim special treatment. You respect him too much for that.

No, Amanda, you just said that for your ego. To not admit you needed the sex and had to come back to me. Good sex and friendship are hard to pass up when we are lonely, aren't they?"

"Am I that transparent, Lyle?"

"I should talk. I banged the wife of my best employee. I did it because you offered it, and he let you have lovers. But I had wanted you for some time. You're fucken sexy as hell. But..."

"But what?"

"You are Jim's, Amanda. I know you two have a bond no one will ever break. You didn't come to me for love, nor did you look for Jim's replacement as some women do with their husbands when they do a wealthier man. You came over for the sex because your body craves it. Oh, you and I had fun hanging around, but I would see you checking your phone for texts from Jim and how your face lit up when he called."

Lyle's expression and tone of voice changed when he said the last part. Almost as if... what?

"Lyle, I..." what could I say to him. He was right about all of it.

"Now, Brenda," he said, changing his demeanor back to what it had been. "Brenda. That is a conniving whore. She put out for me just for material things. That is the difference between you.

"Oh, you should have seen it, Amanda. She made a show that she was doing this reluctantly as she knelt on the floor. But her lips and mouth on my dick were not reluctant at all.

"When we went to the bedroom for the around the world Olympics, she was top notch and VERY enthusiastic. But I could not seem to get the thought out of my head that it was all fake.

"So, Brenda had it coming," Lyle chuckled. "So did Greg. Both are greedy whores. But that's not why he is the VP."

"Why then?" I asked, my mind on the husband I had lost and still loved.

"Because before I could tell him he won the VP slot, Jim resigned and told me to go fuck myself," Lyle said, nodding at me as I looked at him with disbelief.

"How? I mean, when? I thought you fired him."

"The next day, and no, I did NOT fire your husband," Lyle recounted. "After he moved out of your place, James came by at work. He asked to see me, and I let him in the office. I was about to apologize and tell him that he had the VP slot, but I never got the chance."

"So, Jim was still in town that day," I said, thinking back. "I thought he just drove off."

"No Amanda. He was still in town, as my jaw will attest."

"Jim hit you!"

I was stunned. Because of his military training, Jim could kill a man with his bare hands. As such, he avoided confrontations and never raised his hand at anyone, not to me and not to anyone else.

"It was more like a bitch slap on steroids. I didn't realize he was that strong."

"Part of Jim's recovery has been strength training to get his muscles working correctly again," I said, still trying to get a grasp of my husband actually hitting someone. "He slapped you?"

"Yeah," Lyle said apologetically. "I deserved a bitchslap after what he heard me say."

"You deserved more than a slap Lyle," I corrected him. "What possessed you to say what you did?"

"I... I don't know," Lyle replied, looking away again. "I got carried away, Amanda."

It's strange but gone is his usual arrogance and self-absorption. His response was almost contrite.

"You think?" I ask. "The nerve of you to say that!"

"Look, in my defense, I didn't know he was back in town, let alone in the house."

"Still, Lyle, you were disrespecting my husband in his OWN house!"

"I know Amanda... I know."

"You had never done that before. Why that night?"

Lyle was playing with his cup that was now empty. He found no answers there. Or maybe he already had them because what he said next floored me.

"I said it because... because I'm jealous of him. I was then and still am."

"What!" I was stunned.


Lyle and I

This was Lyle Rolston! Not some weak, insecure everyday guy. The man oozed confidence and sex appeal. That he was jealous of anyone was a shock. Yes, my husband was as handsome, if not more so, than Lyle was. Jim is ten years younger, and let's be honest, has a bigger dick than Lyle. But I never told Lyle that. Any woman who tells a man the size of another lover's cock if it's larger is an idiot. For all intents and purposes, you just destroyed the man's ego. And also, his worth as a lover with you from then on.

I had picked Lyle to be my one lover on the side as he was fit, handsome, and single. Jim and I had opened our marriage to get relief when he was not around, but my husband had not asked me who I had chosen. With Lyle being single and absorbed in his business, I thought of him as just a fuck buddy. A friend with benefits. Booty call.

And I thought he did as well. I mean, Lyle had other women. Jim had told me so, and I had seen him with them at parties and dinners. Not wanting to break up a marriage, I had kept away from taken men we knew.

Jim and I had an unwritten agreement that we would not flaunt our lovers to each other, and neither of us had. My husband confined his forays to "strange" only out of town. And when he was home, I was practically raping him every chance I had. The poor man probably went on trips to recover.

I never faulted my husband for some side companionship away from home because he had been understanding about my needs when he was gone. After all, that's how an open marriage works. It's how we made it work anyway. I had all the love I needed from him and he from me. The side people were just for the sex and companionship.;u=10599


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