Escape from ForestBlind Ch. 02

"You are beautiful," Scaffaro said. "You may be a witch. You may be an enchantress. You may even be the evil hag Bista in disguise, but whatever you are, fair maiden, you are bewitchingly alluring."

Tiffany — through Xandria's eyes — noticed some motion from Scaffaro's cock.

Oh, god — am I going to see that gorgeous dick get hard in this game? Tiffany thought.

But the thought pulled her out of the scenario. She quickly dropped back into Xandria's persona.

"You are perceptive," she answered. "But I am not only beautiful. I have the power to enchant you into anything."

She glanced to the strapon and harness in her hand.

"You tempt me in ways you do not know," Scaffaro answered. "That a lovely woman such as yourself might even suggest providing such pleasure to a man such as I . . ." He drifted off, the statement unfinished.

And his cock moved again, now showing sure signs of an impending erection.

He WANTS me to do this to him? Tiff thought.

The game! The game! Get back into the game, girl!

"Verily, Scaffaro," Xandria-Tiffany said, "my sexual magic is potent, and this" — she raised the strapon and harness — "this has its own powers, as well. Powers that I alone know how to wield."

Scaffaro's expression was a mixture of lust, eagerness, and . . . something else. Xandria-Tiffany could not discern the totality of his intent.

"You wield, my lady, and I eagerly yield."

His cock was at half-mast and growing.

Oh, my god! Oh, my god! He's desperate for me to do him with this thing! Tiffany thought. And he is fuckin' gorgeous, and so is his-

Now standing in full erection, bathed in the flickering glow from the fireplace that danced across his muscular abs and chest, the non-player character Scaffaro in the role-playing game "ForestBlind: The Escape" had become the enchanter. Whether he was using his wiles as trapped prey to trick the player character Xandria, or because he was voicing sincere desire in the scenario, one thing was certain:

He had enchanted Tiffany Sorrell, chemistry major, track athlete, honor roll student, and now — with increasing speed and urgency — a young women desperate to find out what it would be like to give intense sexual pleasure to a gorgeous naked man by fucking him with a strapon cock.

Would it give Xandria intense sexual pleasure, too?

Would it give Tiffany intense sexual pleasure?

"Perhaps you must disrobe to don your instrument of power and pleasure?" Scaffaro asked, his cock now hard and throbbing, pointed to the ceiling.

Holy fuck! Tiff thought. Am I in a video game, or am I in heaven?

She jerked in her seat before her laptop screen. The motion distracted her, causing her to realize she had lost game focus. Back in! Back in! Tiffany thought. I'm Xandria!

And she had her focus back.

"You may yet be trying to trick me, Scaffaro," Xandria said, her clothes still firmly in place.

He smiled a lovely, genuine smile. "How can I be plying trickery when the chance for pleasure at your hands — pleasure that will exceed any I have experienced in my life — waits for me?"

Xandria stood motionless, considering. She was not immune to the sexual heat between them.

"Perhaps, my lady," Scaffaro continued, "you hesitate because you wonder that you may be repulsed by the parts of my body you have not yet seen?"

Holding her gaze, he began to turn slowly. Looking at her as he turned sideways, his head swivelled to maintain eye contact. Standing in profile, he asked, "Does this view meet your approval?"

Yet again Tiffany jerked out of Xandria mode. It was impossible not to.

Scaffaro's pose in front of her accentuated the length and girth of his beautiful cock, now pulsing in desire. Seeing him in profile meant that gorgeous organ was displayed in all its glory, all its desire for her. There was no one else in front of him except Xandria — or Tiffany?

And his ass! That rounded, high, firm butt!

I have to get a screen shot of this! Tiff thought, again out of Xandria mode. She quickly hit the print-screen key. These game designers are geniuses.

Get back in!

"You are not repulsive so far," Xandria said, observing Scaffaro's slow turn in front of her. "Do you enjoy being on display for me?"

"Very much," he said, now releasing her gaze. His turn meant his back was completely facing her. "Surely you know that your magic is bending my will to what you want, Lady Xandria," he said, now speaking to her in spite of being turned away from her. "Being naked in front of you excites me because I am entranced by your beauty, and I desire you. My body reacts as it must, driven to erection by the uniqueness that is you."

Oh, sweet Jesus! Tiffany thought. Whatever man says that to me in my real life is going to have me!

Scaffaro continued, which drew Tiffany back into the scenario: "You may need some time to consider what you see," he said, and Xandria noticed one of his hands, both of which had remained at his side to this point, moving in front of him as he was faced away from her.

Then — it was impossible to misinterpret the motion of his arm — he began stroking his cock.

Is it even going to be possible for this game to ramp things up? Tiffany wondered, First, seeing him nude, then watching him get hard, and now seeing this gorgeous naked man's delicious butt and sexy back and shoulders and knowing he is stroking his cock thinking about me, thinking about pleasing me and thinking that he wants me desperately—

Get. Back. In! Tiffany scolded herself.

"Yes, Scaffaro. I will take my time examining you. And you will not waste yourself at your own hand as I watch, though I do command that you maintain the activity you are engaged in as you continue your turn in front of me."

He teased her with the slowness of his turn. Before his cock — and his hand sliding up and down it — came into view, he turned his head to look at her, lingering in that position. Scaffaro conducted his own visual examination even though Xandria was still clothed.

At this point, Xandria needed no magic to read his mind as he gazed lustfully at her. He wanted to taste her, to ravage her. His need was communicated in every motion of his gaze and every movement of his fist up and down his hard cock.

I want to see! Show me! Tiffany-Xandria thought.

He lingered. Stroking slowly. Smiling at her. The fireplace glow painted orange streaks along his body.

And yet he lingered.

Then, as she watched, lusted, and grew increasingly desirous for the coupling that must surely occur, Xandria's skirt fell away. Magically.

He smiled. He turned a fraction of an inch more, and her bodice unlaced itself and flew to the side, falling to the floor.

What the f-

Another fraction of an inch turn by Scaffaro, and Xandria's blouse began peeling away.

Jesus! Tiffany thought. The man is undressing me, and he's not even touching me!

Get. Back. In!

By the time Scaffaro was completely facing her — and continuing the slow stroking of what had to be nine inches of beautiful cock by Tiffany-Xandria's closest estimation — Xandria was completely nude. The strapon cock and harness were still in her hand.

"You maintain some sorcery, I see" she said, smiling at him. "But you have no power over this."

She raised the strapon and harness to emphasize the point.

"That may be," he responded, now dropping his hand from his cock. It throbbed. There was a beautiful drop of pre-cum poised at the top of his dark shaft. It glistened in the firelight.

It beckoned her.

How will it taste? Tiffany-Xandria wondered. Tiff's mouth actually began watering.

The line between game-player Tiffany and player-character Xandria was somehow starting to blur.

"My magic is now spent, my lady," Scaffaro said, "but the last of it has disrobed you completely."

It was true. Xandria was nude, the strapon and harness still in her grasp. She looked down at her naked body, recognizing the familiar-


Tiffany sucked in a huge breath, both hands clasped to her mouth. "No! No! No effin' way!"

Jonelle had jumped up — not from Tiffany's exclamation, but from what she saw on her laptop screen. Her hands flew to the sides of her head, clapping herself in disbelief.

"Tiffany! Jonelle!" Monica yelled from her seat. "What do your characters look like?"

"Oh, my god! This is absolutely unbelievable!" Jonelle said. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god — what's happening?!"

"So your characters look like you, too?" Tiffany asked.

"Fuck, Tiff!" Jonelle said. "Gabrella just became me. I mean, the guard did something, and I was naked, and, shit! My body — Tiff!! It's my body!"

"Me, too!" Monica exclaimed. "Even down to my birthmark."

"We're stopping this game right now," Tiffany announced. "There is something wrong here. Something is going on that we can't control, and it knows us! This game knows us, you guys!"

She scooted back to her laptop and moved her hand to the keyboard-

"Wait!" Jonelle cried, leaning over and desperately grabbing Tiffany's wrist. "Wait!"

Tiffany was stunned motionless, her wrist tightly in Jonelle's grasp.

"Wait," Jonelle said softly. She gently pulled Tiffany's hand away from the keyboard. "Let's just pause for a minute and think this through."

Monica and Tiffany turned fully toward Jonelle, who was by this time straightening her shoulders and smoothing her jeans as she stood before them. As she eased back down into her seat, they waited for Jonelle to explain herself. Their friend cleared her throat to speak:

"This is weird. I admit it. No . . . this is really weird. I mean, I can't explain it."

Tiff and Monica waited, expectant expressions on their faces.

"But I, for one, would like to continue."

Monica and Tiffany exploded immediately in urgent entreaties, garbling anything that Jonelle could possibly interpret. She raised her hand. "Slow down, guys. One at a time!"

"Jonelle, how can you say that? Things are weirding out right now. It's getting creepy," Tiffany said.

"Yeah," Monica chimed in. "I thought I was gonna faint when I saw my birthmark reflected in one of the shiny pans in the kitchen where I had my guard trapped."

"We can't keep going with this!" Tiffany said urgently. "What's happening, Jonelle? Has someone taken over our webcams to know what we look like?"

"Don't be silly," Jonelle responded. "No camera is going to see Monica's birthmark. Not where it's at."

Monica squirmed uncomfortably in her khaki, elastic-band shorts at the comment but then spoke up. "C'mon, you guys — a birthmark on someone's butt cheek is no big deal."

"No, it's not," Tiffany retorted, "but knowing it's there, even its shape, and then seeing it on your player-character in a video game is just plain freaky!"

"And that's exactly why I thought I was gonna pass out when I saw it," Monica replied.

"Look," Jonelle said, jumping back up to stand in front of her friends to plead her case. "We can't explain something and we run away like frightened kids? Isn't this like an experiment that produces something that's supposed to be impossible, but when the scientists start breaking it down, they find the explanation? Good god, ladies! We're smart. We can formulate a hypothesis. We can-"

"Hah! Jonelle! I can see it now: 'Monica Ford's butt cheek birthmark: A mystery solved' as an upcoming article in Psychic Times," Monica said, crossing her arms in front of her.

Jonelle had to smile at her friend's remark. "Yeah. That'd be a good article."

The back-and-forth broke the tension in the room.

"Jonelle," Monica said, "my birthmark is actually proof that something we cannot control is at work here."

"Can't control, or can't explain," Jonelle cut in.

"Okay, okay," Tiffany started in, eager to continue the discussion. "We've been taught about formulating hypotheses and testing, and then figuring out the stuff that doesn't match the theory, right?"

Her friends nodded slowly in agreement.

"Then — remember? — we've also been taught about Occam's Razor. Remember that?"

"Simplest explanation is usually true," Monica said quietly, quoting what she remembered from her intro biology class at the community college.

"So what's the simplest explanation here?" Tiffany asked? "What do you think?"

She got blank stares from Jonelle and Monica.

"My simplest explanation is a bunch of guys who are genius game coders who somehow figured out how to do all this. And to top it off, they've all got some kind of strapon sex fetish."

"What if it's a bunch of girls who are the genius coders, Tiff? If your Occam's razor explanation is the one that explains all this, did the Ockham guy have some rule that only men could be the geniuses? That's what they thought back then, isn't it? But don't even for a minute jump to the conclusion that this game has to be the invention of men!"

Tiffany opened her mouth to speak, but she had no response.

Jonelle waited, staring at her.

"Busted," Tiff said quietly. "But, um, that doesn't mean it's okay for this game to-"

"For me, Tiff" Jonelle said, interrupting "if your explanation is correct, and it'sa bunch of genius girl coders who get off on pegging guys, then I'm abso-fuckin'-lutely fine with seeing where they take us in this game. Nothing like being able to test out a strapon dick in a fantasy scenario that's been built by experts in pegging guys, right?"

No one said anything for several seconds. Monica rose and paced. Jonelle returned her gaze to her laptop's screen. Tiffany sat in quiet thought, sometimes glancing at her own laptop's screen before returning her gaze inward, eyes defocused, as she tried to make sense of everything.

After a minute, Tiffany broke the silence.

"So look. Here's what I'm thinking. We don't have enough data to deduce anything right now. Shit, we can't even imagine how this is happening. But we know we're not being spied on, and we know the game is . . . well, it's a lot of stuff: fun to play, great graphics, good story, the crazy way it can intensify point of view for each character — all that — along with being weird and constantly throwing up unexpected situations, and, um . . . oh, god . . . how do I say this-"

"I'll tell you how to say it, Tiff," Jonelle said quietly. "It turns you on. It gets you hot. It makes you want to see more of Scaffaro, makes you want to touch him, to see what it'd be like to feel his mouth and lips on your body, to feel what it'd be like to use your magic strapon to-"

"God! Jonelle!" Monica yelped to break off the train Jonelle was driving down the tracks of all of their minds. "Enough! We get it! You don't have to talk like you're in a porno or something!"

"But that's what you meant, Tiff? That's what's so hard to say?"

"Yes, dammit! Yes! You two have always been more open sexually than me — especially you, Jonelle — and don't deny it!"

"Not that there's anything wrong with that," Monica said quietly, suppressing a giggle.

Tiffany glared at Monica for a beat before breaking into a grin. "Yeah. Exactly. There's nothing wrong with it, Jonelle, and I often admire that about you. But my point is, I'm the least experienced of the three of us. Shit! I even had to have pegging explained to me! And, yes, it grossed me out to hear it."

"At the time," Jonelle said, raising her eyebrows to invite a response from Tiffany.

Nodding, Tiffany replied, "Yeah. At the time. But not so much now." She dropped her hands helplessly to her side and yielded in complete surrender to spilling her guts about what she was experiencing as Xandria-Tiffany: "I was getting turned on in the scenario. How could I not? He is sexy and gorgeous now as the nude, clean, handsome, nice-guy Scaffaro-"

She snapped her fingers, interrupting herself. "Shit! I do not want to forget this!" Tiffany opened a photo app on her laptop and quickly inserted the screen capture she'd taken of Scaffaro in glorious, nude profile, his cock jutting toward the ceiling in its lust for her.

Resuming her train of thought and conversation as her puzzled friends waited, she picked back up on her narrative. "Scaffaro wants to surrender to me, to have me take him — to have me take him. It's just so different, so far outside anything I've thought about. I mean this scenario is blowing my mind, and . . . and-"

"-and you can't wait to get back into that cottage and fuck him," Monica said. "Just like I can't wait to get back to my guy to feel his body — every freakin' inch of him — and see what it's like to fuck a guy with a strapon dildo."

Jonelle sat, smiling.

Silence again among the three friends, all of them now looking at the erotic tableaus on their laptop screens.

"And I was turned on, too," Jonelle finally said. "My nipples were hard, and don't hate me for saying this, you guys, because I know it's true for all of us, but my pussy was getting wet. This is better than any porn vid. Somehow I'm in that scene!"

The sexy talk was starting to relax the mood that had instantly tensed with Tiffany's frightened interruption of their game-playing.

"So," Jonelle said, "does this mean you're going from the Tiffany Sorrell that only a couple of months ago was completely freaked out by even the thought of pegging, to a sexier, more worldly Tiffany that is up for experimenting with a strapon cock and a handsome guy who wants it and who, by the way, has one of those big dicks that Ms. Tiff likes so much?"

Tiffany and Monica both laughed at Jonelle's teasing.

But Tiffany's nipples were already reacting to what she knew waited for her in the ForestBlind cottage.

Monica's line of reasoning was the clincher: "However it does it, this game is an alternate reality that somehow lets us become the characters and be us at the same time. I figure I'm probably never going to have a guy in real life like my guard in ForestBlind who wants to strip in front of me and get hard for me while he tells me how much he wants me to fuck him with a strapon. Just like Jonelle said, this is so hot, and I'm dying to know what it's like to be the one with the cock."

Scaffaro is waiting for me, Tiffany thought. He's naked, hard, and wants me to fuck him.

What the hell was I thinking to say we should stop!


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