The Story of My Wife Ch. 02

I previously wrote these stories over twenty years ago and after many years reading stories on Literotica I have decided to start posting my own. After these are posted I will start working on new ones. I did very little revising or editing to these stories. Mostly minor changes in grammar and punctuation, sentence structure, and readability.


The Story of My Wife, Chapter Two. Blindly


For those who are new to the story, I met my future wife when I lived next door to her while we were both in college. I was a maintenance director at our townhouse project and I lived rent-free in the apartment set aside for the maintenance director as part of my salary. Most of my salary, actually, since it was really a part time position. When I moved in I was pleasantly surprised to find out the previous maintenance director had wired the apartment to peep into the adjoining apartments. Janie, my future wife, and her roommate Shelly happened to live in one of those apartments.

I continued to play the voyeur, sneaking peeks at Janie and her roommate Shelly with good views of the living room and each bedroom. I was surprised, and somewhat relieved, to find out the bathroom wasn't wired in some way.

Shelly just liked to fuck. And since I managed to use my "inside information" to buddy up to her and have a little fun myself I really didn't have a problem with that. I'm just a little sleazy, so what? Its not like I'm the only sleaze out there.

As I watched Janie I learned some interesting things. She was a "binge fucker", and still is. She would work extra hard on some project or test and then reward herself with a night or two on the town. Sometimes all week. Although she didn't have any serious boyfriends Janie would have a couple guys she liked to date more than others at times. Sometimes it would last a while and sometimes not. Some were just a little better than others, but who am I to judge?

Henry was an energetic young type with a great enthusiasm for women. And he liked to play games in the bedroom. I watched when he tied Janie up and blindfolded her. Not just for pretend, but tied down tight and blind to the world. The first time I saw them do this I almost hyperventilated when he told her he was going to let his friends fuck her too. He went to the bedroom door and called out that she was wet and ready to go. Then he slammed the door shut and told her his name was Andre and he was ready to go wild on her.

Janie was eating it up. All in all he pretended to be about 8 different guys, fucking her and eating her out and climbing over her face to fuck her in the mouth. And when she was tied up like that it was real easy to fuck her in the mouth. He practically choked her once or twice but didn't seem to notice. A couple nights later he was over again and playing the same game. I had grown to like it myself, but how weird is that? Watching two people play pretend.

He kept telling her about how many of his friends he was going to bring over and all that kind of stuff. Meanwhile he was fingering her and feeling her up and licking her in assorted spots. Imagine my surprise when he opened the door this time and some other guy actually came in. I was absolutely stunned. I think I really was hyperventilating this time. When the new guy snuck in it was all the two of them could do to contain themselves.

Janie even asked him what he was giggling about. He managed to squeak out he was just excited about the game. She started giggling herself then. Henry climbed on her and put his hand between her legs. Since he still had his pants on he didn't start fucking her but his buddy was quietly taking his pants off while Henry distracted Janie.

I was going nuts. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Henry jumped up from the bed and told Janie he was going to really fuck her good tonight. He said he had taken some extra ginseng and yohimbe bark tonight and planned to use it all up. Janie just laughed and told him she sure hoped he took the extra strength variety because he was going to need it.

Henry and his "teammate" just grinned at one another and flipped an imaginary coin. The newcomer apparently won because he began to gingerly climb on the bed and get on top of Janie. He eased himself between her legs and placed his cock at the entrance to her cunt. He paused for just a moment until Janie began to push back at him and accused "Henry" of being a tease.

That was all it took. The mystery man started pumping into her cunt and managed to shove himself all the way in by about the fourth pump. Janie does a good job of lubricating herself naturally once the action starts and this wasn't much different. Henry stood by nervously as his friend fucked Janie. The guy held himself up with his arms to keep from getting too close to her face. Maybe she would have noticed different cologne or something.

Janie was getting into it and the new guy was enjoying the hell out of his good luck. He pounded away for a few minutes and then finished strong. His pace quickened and then he stiffened out and slammed into her pretty hard about 3 or 4 times in a row. Janie was slamming back at him and looked real close herself. She was obviously a little exasperated as "the unknown lover" climbed off.

"You aren't done yet," she moaned out, "I was hoping for a little more than that."

Henry stood at the end of the bed and grinned at his buddy. The new guy quietly took a seat next to the bed and prepared to watch the show. I was about to cream my pants just watching the goings on in the next apartment. I sure hoped Shelly would be in a "fuck the neighbor guy" mood when she got home. I was sure in a "fuck the neighbor" mood myself.

"Oh baby," he said, "we've got a long line for you tonight." He then proceeded to climb onto the bed and between her legs. He slammed into her in one thrust, the way having been well paved by his friend. She arched her back and fucked back in a frenzy. Henry was pounding into her so hard I thought he would hurt her, but she kept up with him and launched into an orgasm that nearly knocked him onto the floor.

"Let them all in! Let them all fuck me!" She was seriously into it, and so was I. Henry humped away for a few more minutes and then pulled out. "Whaa? Where are you? Who's next?"

I was wondering that myself. Henry answered the question by sitting on her chest and pulling her face into his cum covered crotch. They looked just a little awkward, but Henry managed to pull her head up enough and leaned over enough to get his dick into her mouth. After several strokes Henry tensed up and shoved Janie's nose right up to his hairy crotch. She struggled a little but swallowed enough to keep from gagging and ended up with just a little bit of semen on her face and over her lips. She was panting and struggling for breath when Henry rolled off the bed.

"Oh my," deep breaths, "I would never had guessed you had already cum once before. That was a lot."

The guys were just about able to contain themselves, and the new guy looked like he was ready to go again.

"Baby, there's a room full of it for you tonight. I hope you're ready."

The new guy once again climbed on board and started pumping away. He was just plain fucking this time around and at first all Janie could do was lay there and grunt whenever he would give her an extra firm pump. After a few minutes she began to get back into it, wiggling her hips and trying to lift her legs up and wrap them around the man between her legs. All she managed was to loosen the ties just a little and bring her knees up. In spite of her restraints, or more likely because of them, she was soon in the middle of another orgasm of her own. The new guy was gracious enough to continue pumping as she rocked and came under him but when she finished he pulled out of her cunt and moved around on the bed until he was able to place his cock in her face. The three of us held our breath as he placed his dick in her mouth. I just knew she would figure out the difference for sure now.

She didn't. She didn't really get a chance. Just like Henry this guy simply fucked her mouth and managed to cum all over the place. She got a lot in her mouth but the guy lost it just a little and found a way to splatter her face. Janie was looking a little worn by now.

Henry waited a couple of minutes and then told her to hang on because they had one guy to go.

"Jeez, Henry, you're wearing me out. What the hell did you take?"

"Baby, I get this way every time I see you naked." He gave his buddy a big wink and plopped himself back down between Janie's legs. He didn't fit in quite as easily this time and Janie gave much more of a grunt of protest than of passion. Nevertheless, she did respond to the cock in her pussy enough to start her trademark wiggle. Of course, she may have been just trying to get him to finish.

"I'm getting a little sore Henry, are you really going to cum again?" She sounded like she was ready to end the game.

"I'm just about there baby, just about there." Yes, he was persistent. You'd never guess he had fucked her three times already. Oops! He hadn't done that, had he?

Mr. Persistent pumped away furiously and Janie was beginning to look a little distressed. She kept repeating "Unh, unh, unh" with an occasional soft spoken "ow." Just in time, Henry unloaded his nuts inside her and eased himself out. Henry's partner soon followed suit and eased himself out of the room.

Years later, as Janie was telling me her version of the story, it was all I could do to keep a straight face and not spill the beans completely. Especially when she told me of the time they played the game in his dorm room and she said it really felt like other guys were there with them.,dyskusja,1083748.html


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